Sunday, July 10, 2011

day 17 = using up the freezer chicken wings

i am a little behind on this week.  we've had a lot to do so we did not get a chance to make our usual costco trip. knowing i had no energy to go to the store, we opened the freezer and had a few packages of chicken wings remaining from our last costco run. i highly recommend picking them up because they are pre-packaged for you into 5 wings per package which is just perfect for one person. then we sprinkle each with a bunch of seasonings (mainly from our trips to penzys).

charley did these wings. he used the leftover 16 spice rub from bobby flay's recipe i made on day 2. it was good, but usually we make 2-4 differently spiced wings and this time there was only one type so it got a little boring by the end. i highly recommend you make this rub through for regular bbq chicken. that was excellent.

it has now been a few days since we had the chicken wings so i am going solely off memory.  since i can still recall them that has to be a good sign and yes they were very good.  we do chicken wings often, but we change the way there seasoned each time.  as for this batch, the seasoning was very tasty.  it was the right amount of spice, sweet and smokey flavors and it was hard not to eat sarah's wings also.  i would recommend this rub for anyone.


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